On Sunday, you came home and we introduced you to Uncle Rhys, Daniel, Hannah and Adam. Auntie Lora was there too but you'd already met her in hospital.
On Monday, we had a nice quiet day as a family together. The midwife checked us over too - everything was fine.
On Tuesday, you had your first bath (with Auntie Lora's help) and Granny and Papa came to visit.
On Wednesday, we saw the midwife and she weighed you - 2870g (6lb 5oz) - and took your blood to check you don't have any conditions we need to treat.
On Thursday, you got to meet Auntie Rosie! So pleased she came up, she's been dying to meet you but needed to take care of Uncle Nick when you were born. She's smitten - I think she nearly took you home with her! She's here next week with your cousins, India and Amelie Boo so you'll get more time with them then.
On Friday, you turned one week old and Auntie Hannah came up from London to visit. She was coming to see you on the Sunday after you were born but stayed at home with a cold so we didn't get poorly. She was very happy to have lots of cuddles. I managed a little sit in the car and Auntie Kerry spent the evening with us.
This morning, Saturday, you woke up on Daddy's chest (as opposed to Mummy's) and you'd lost your cord stump! You met Grandad and Great Gran at lunchtime and we're relaxing just the three of us now.

You're a good girl: feeding regularly, only crying for a definite reason, opening your eyes for time with mummy and daddy - or one of your visitors if they're lucky. You tend to sleep on my chest (or Daddy's) at night - you can be a real fidget but you're so adorable, we don't mind.

We only have a few clothes that fit you - we've had loads of clothes as gifts but you're just too little to fit them so they'll have to wait til you're a bit bigger. You're wearing size 1 pampers new baby.
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