Saturday, 11 September 2010


At work yesterday morning, I noticed more spotting - much the same as the spotting I had a fortnight before.

After a short conversation with Daddy and long conversation with Auntie Laura, I called Jacqui (the midwife) to see what she thought. As it's not heavy and there's no unusual cramping or pain, she didn't think there was much to worry about but said she could come to the house for a listen. So off I went for lunch to see Molly dog and wait for Jacqui.

A bit of a wait later, Jacqui arrived and had a listen. Your heartbeat clear and strong. She stressed that any increase in the bleeding should be referred to GP and heavy bleeds to A&E but that she didn't see the need for an ultrasound as she'd checked the heartbeat successfully. She did add that if the spotting continued or I was still concerned on Monday, I could come to clinic for another listen and she'd call to see if the hospital wanted to do an ultrasound just to be on the safe side. She stressed a few times that Dr Cameron specified that ladies with bleeds, no matter how slight, should refrain from work. After she left, I called a few colleagues to explain I wouldn't be in for the rest of the afternoon and I stayed on the sofa.

As I'm a worrier, Daddy and I listened to your heartbeat again before we went to sleep and again this morning (my pelvis was sore which got me worrying).

This weekend will be spent mostly taking things easy :)

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