First half of the appointment was the scan. This is the detailed one so we got to watch as the sonographer examined you from head to toe, measuring brain, head, torso, arm and leg bones and even taking cross sectional images to check heart, kidneys and stomach. All perfect. When she was looking at your heart, I asked if she could see heart murmurs etc at this stage. She can't apparently but as it came out following the question that I have a murmur (always been on my notes btw), she said she'd schedule me for a foetal echo to check you over. I was quite pleased to hear this - I want a home birth so as much information as we can find out pre birth, the better as far as I'm concerned. We left happy bunnies with a lovely photo:

Next, my ante natal appointment. First, blood pressure, weight and urine sample. No dramas. Then a wait for the midwife. Quite a big wait... It turned out we weren't waiting for a midwife, but for a consultant. I've been referred because of my murmur; they just want to double check my heart is coping with the "stresses of pregnancy" so I need to be under a consultant (rather than a midwife) until I've been checked.
In short, that's an ECG and an Echo for me and an Echo for you - followed by a follow up appointment with the consultant. Fingers crossed all is absolutely fine and I can go back to midwife care (and home birth). Daddy is a bit worried but it's much better to know now rather than later so despite being frustrated at the additional appointments, we're pleased they're checking everything out.
You've been a wriggly baby most of today. It makes me a very smiley lady.
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