Thursday, 30 September 2010

20 week Ante Natal appointment

Today, I took my cold to Birmingham Women's hospital with Daddy for our 20 week appointment.

First half of the appointment was the scan. This is the detailed one so we got to watch as the sonographer examined you from head to toe, measuring brain, head, torso, arm and leg bones and even taking cross sectional images to check heart, kidneys and stomach. All perfect. When she was looking at your heart, I asked if she could see heart murmurs etc at this stage. She can't apparently but as it came out following the question that I have a murmur (always been on my notes btw), she said she'd schedule me for a foetal echo to check you over. I was quite pleased to hear this - I want a home birth so as much information as we can find out pre birth, the better as far as I'm concerned. We left happy bunnies with a lovely photo:

Next, my ante natal appointment. First, blood pressure, weight and urine sample. No dramas. Then a wait for the midwife. Quite a big wait... It turned out we weren't waiting for a midwife, but for a consultant. I've been referred because of my murmur; they just want to double check my heart is coping with the "stresses of pregnancy" so I need to be under a consultant (rather than a midwife) until I've been checked.

In short, that's an ECG and an Echo for me and an Echo for you - followed by a follow up appointment with the consultant. Fingers crossed all is absolutely fine and I can go back to midwife care (and home birth). Daddy is a bit worried but it's much better to know now rather than later so despite being frustrated at the additional appointments, we're pleased they're checking everything out.

You've been a wriggly baby most of today. It makes me a very smiley lady.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

19+5 weeks

I have a big fat cold and am feeling very sorry for myself. I'm not very good at being ill but am even worse when medication is limited so am in bed and grumpy. Daddy is looking after me :)

The cold has caused (from the nose blowing I assume) three nosebleeds in the past 12 hours.

Anyway, an update. This week, marmite. Marmite and cheese. So that's B vitamins and calcium... I thought I was desperate for lager so I asked Daddy to make me a shandy with a little bit of beer. I couldn't drink it - it tasted like strong continental beer to me (it tasted like lemonade to Daddy). Pelvis and lower back are still sore so I'm researching yoga and pilates.

Last week, you made Daddy's year (well, so far, I'm sure the 20 week scan will knock it off the top spot on Thursday). I was doing lots of moving around upstairs and felt a funny sensation in my tummy. You've been moving around more and more so I knew it was you, but it felt bigger. I watched my tummy in the mirror and you were moving enough to move my bump around! You were still doing it by the time I got downstairs to Daddy so he got to watch and feel. He was very excited.

Since then you've prodded and poked and done somersaults. It's a lovely feeling (even when you poke me hard!) - not regular yet but often enough to tell me you're still there and you're doing okay. The Doppler comes out every now and again so we can have a listen. Your heartbeat seems to be 156bpm.

On Friday, we went to Auntie Laura's (I need to think of a way to differentiate those, maybe you'll think of a way when you're here) for her 30th birthday party. Everyone made a fuss of my bump so that took the edge off not being able to join in with the champagne. Despite thinking I'd be ready for bed at 10.30pm we didn't leave until gone 1am! I was quite proud of myself, although we paid for it the next day. Tired Mummy (and Daddy for that matter). Still managed a big walk in the afternoon.

I meant to get Daddy to take another bump photo but we forgot so we'll do one at 20 weeks. I really must set myself reminders so we do them weekly!

When we were at Granny's, we had a play about with Auntie Rosie's Quinny Zapp pushchair. This led to much pushchair research for me so we're going to go to Mothercare and have a few test drives.

Think that's as much as my cold riddled brain can remember.

Love you, little one x

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Monday, 20 September 2010

18+4 weeks

We took a photo on Saturday but I haven't downloaded it yet - will get it up asap and then endeavour to do a weekly one. Auntie Hannah sent me a link to a blog with the most wonderful bump pictures and I really need to remember to do it more often!

Feeling much better now I've finished the antibiotics. Some lower back and pelvic pain but other than that, I'm feeling pretty good.

People have started commenting on my bump so it must have popped out a bit. Certainly the last couple of times we've listened to your heartbeat, it's been very loud and doesn't fade in and out as often so you must be growing and slowly running out of room to hide!

Speaking of running out of room, your movements seem to be becoming more frequent - or at least, more noticeable. Pokes and somersaults, nothing too pronounced but definitely there and more than butterfly kisses.

Nothing of note food-wise I don't think. Can eat baked beans again, still hooked on ham sandwiches but peanut butter has replaced the tuna. Gone right off the thought of pork steaks (much to Daddy's disgust, he bought a bumper pack last week). Still like hazelnut yogurts.

I'm much more hormonal this week; teary and sensitive. Everything feels like a personal attack so if it's affected anyone reading this - I'm really sorry!

Can't quite believe it's the 20 week scan next week - that's halfway through, how did that happen?!

Ante Natal classes confirmed and start on 8 November. Better start thinking about your nursery too...

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

17+6 weeks

Bump is feeling harder and more, er, bump like today.

My tummy muscles feel taught and a little overworked but it made Daddy very happy - it feels like a proper bump! He covered it in kisses but it made me giggle too hard so he had to stop :)

*sad face*

On Sunday, I noticed a burny, stingy pressure in my lower abdomen. Thinking I'd caught a UTI, I booked an appointment with the Dr on Monday.

I eventually got in to see her (one missed appointment and one huge wait in the emergency surgery slot later) and she worked out (judging by my jump at her touching my back) that my backache was a kidney infection. Oops.

I'm two days into my antibiotics and the pain in my abdomen has gone. I'm a bit achey still but I've got another three days to go so I'm sure I'll be all better by the weekend :)

Saturday, 11 September 2010


General pelvic and back achiness and stabby feeling at the very front of my pelvic bone. Assume you're having a growth spurt...


At work yesterday morning, I noticed more spotting - much the same as the spotting I had a fortnight before.

After a short conversation with Daddy and long conversation with Auntie Laura, I called Jacqui (the midwife) to see what she thought. As it's not heavy and there's no unusual cramping or pain, she didn't think there was much to worry about but said she could come to the house for a listen. So off I went for lunch to see Molly dog and wait for Jacqui.

A bit of a wait later, Jacqui arrived and had a listen. Your heartbeat clear and strong. She stressed that any increase in the bleeding should be referred to GP and heavy bleeds to A&E but that she didn't see the need for an ultrasound as she'd checked the heartbeat successfully. She did add that if the spotting continued or I was still concerned on Monday, I could come to clinic for another listen and she'd call to see if the hospital wanted to do an ultrasound just to be on the safe side. She stressed a few times that Dr Cameron specified that ladies with bleeds, no matter how slight, should refrain from work. After she left, I called a few colleagues to explain I wouldn't be in for the rest of the afternoon and I stayed on the sofa.

As I'm a worrier, Daddy and I listened to your heartbeat again before we went to sleep and again this morning (my pelvis was sore which got me worrying).

This weekend will be spent mostly taking things easy :)

Monday, 6 September 2010

Midwife appointment, 16 weeks

Today I had my first appointment with the midwife - other than my booking in appointment all those weeks ago. The student midwife who did my booking in, Karly, was with Jacqui - the midwife based at our surgery.

First they took my blood pressure - no worries there. Then she listened to your heartbeat. Karly could find it but it was only feint and kept moving away. Jacqui tried and found a very clear, very strong heartbeat - so lovely! Next up, urine sample and a blood test - bloods are for Down's syndrome testing. Urine fine, bloods sent for testing - we're likely to only hear if you have a high risk of Down's but we can ask for the results when we go in for our scan if we want confirmation.

I'm booked in with Jacqui again for four weeks after my 20 week scan - that's 25 October (three days before I turn 30).

16+4 weeks

I've spoken to the NCT and we have our places reserved on an Ante Natal course, starting in November. It's with Auntie Laura! It's a bit early but it'll give me eight weeks to have additional classes if I want to - Auntie Laura's next class finishes two weeks before I'm due so a bit close for comfort. Fingers crossed some of the ladies on the course are February due dates :)

Sickness has almost entirely gone now -unless I manage a decent lie in and awake up mega hungry or forget to eat (sorry baby, I do try but sometimes I forget I'm supposed to eat every few hours).

Back pain is bothering me - back and pelvis and hips to be precise. Had a horrible evening last Saturday when my hips were playing up. Rubbish! Thank goodness for my maternity pillow :) If it carries on or gets much worse, I'll have a word with the midwife or see my chiropractor.

Still hooked on ham sandwiches, alternated with tuna and sweetcorn - usually I have to change sandwich fillings frequently, I get bored too quick! Also loving fresh pineapple, I could get through a whole one in one sitting (I do ration myself). Hazelnut yoghurts are a favourite too and I have to have an organic hazelnut cereal bar before I get out of bed, its the only thing I can stomach before I'm properly awake. Ooh and apple and pear squash :)

I actually had a nice chat with my boss today about work and maternity leave. Just need to sit down with Daddy and see how long we can afford for me to have on maternity leave.

Bump is coming along nicely. I'll try and get a new photo up ASAP.