In the past few weeks, you've been changing so rapidly.
You reach and grab for anything and everything: toys, hands, Mummy's hair, Granny's glasses. Most things go straight to your mouth. You love Jurgen.
Granny bought you a sheepskin rug this week. You love that too.
You're dribbling and chewing your hands so I'm fairly certain your teeth are on the move. Teetha sachets of teething granules and your amber anklet help. I try to only use Calpol as a last resort.
You seem to be growing (length and weight) steadily - I need to get you weighed. You've had quite a few hour long feeds recently so I assume you've been having your four month growth spurt.
Your hair is growing through and it's lighter in colour, the bit you wore away at the back of your head is growing back now. It's so soft.
Your eyes are still a lovely shade of blue, like my Granny's (my mum's mum).
You're such a pretty baby, people stop us to comment all the time.
Your hands are the same shape as Papa's but daintier. You've got his nail shape too.
You can roll from your front to your back (the first time you did it, a few weeks ago now, you rolled off our bed). You love tummy time and your back and neck are strong - and you can stick your bum in the air. You roll onto your side from your back but haven't made it all the way over yet.
You still love being stood up and enjoy the door bouncer now.
Today, you enjoyed your bath, kicking and splashing and grinning at me. Usually, you grumble so today was lovely :)
You love to have a kick after you've fed (except the last feed, you sleep after the last feed). You're active and alert most of the day, such an intelligent baby. You get overtired most days, so grumble to sleep during the day.
You love having moisturising cream massaged into you, I plan on taking you to a baby massage class.
You're a smiley little thing, I think we might have had a couple of little giggles but nothing super obvious as a laugh just yet.
You've found your feet; you can hold them but they haven't quite made it to your mouth yet.
You love your Daddy blowing raspberries on your tummy and you grin at him when he comes into view, especially when he's just come home from work.
You calm best lying tummy down along someone's arm being walked around. You can be soothed with a dummy but you'll soon tell us if it's not good enough.
You sleep best cuddled close in someone's arms, nestled into the crook of an arm and tummy flat against a torso.
You quite like sleeping on your side. At night, you sleep on your back in your grobag.
You might finally be growing out of 0-3 month clothes, although I think we may have a week or two yet.
When you're having a kick, I lean in close with my face level with yours and you reach and touch my face with both hands and grin at me and it's the best feeling in the world.
I love you very much, beautiful girl xxx
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