Thursday, 11 November 2010

First osteopathy appointment

I saw the osteopath today. Her name is Karen and she was very nice, which is good - osteopathy doesn't involve many clothes.

We went through my medical history and then she examined me - I'm one of the most flexible pregnant women she'd seen apparently. She reconfirmed my SPD diagnosis and then set to work on what felt like everything between my knees and my boobs. Because of my hypermobility, a lot of my muscles are overworking to compensate for my overflexible ligaments. That's worsened by relaxin (one of the pregnancy hormones) making the ligaments even looser - and in turn, my muscles working even harder and spasming as a consequence.

My main problem areas? Hips (thigh muscles), lower back/pelvis (muscles in lower back that run to the front of the pelvis too), inner and upper inner thighs and the front of my pelvis (the muscles from my lower back and smaller muscles at the front of my pelvis). Ribcage, especially at the bottom and spinal column.

Karen can hopefully help me avoid crutches (or worse) and an overcomplicated birth. I probably need to see her quite frequently but if it means I continue to enjoy my bump, we think it's worth it. She did say a waterbirth would really help with the SPD during birth so that's one thing that's firmly staying on my birthing plan!

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