Thursday, 25 November 2010

Catch up...

Hello poppet,

You seem to sleep every now and again now. I have been known to panic when you do - I'm so used to you wriggling. I'm getting used to the breaks in movement now but do love to feel the kicks and wriggles when you wake up.

I'm a bit prone to heartburn, especially if I don't eat regularly or have to bend down. No strange cravings I don't think. Generally more prone to sweet things but still enjoy my ham/bacon sandwiches. Bit headachy and I'm starting to get tired quicker than normal. Bump is steadily growing - I'm overdue a bump photo - again!! I seem to be carrying you out front, a bit like a football up my jumper - I don't look pregnant from the back apparently!

Pelvis, hips and back are still sore but osteopathy is definitely helping. She thinks my hypermobility is helping but I'm a bit worried about following Auntie Rosie. She had problems with her hips in pregnancy and it sounds like it was linked to flexibility - my hips have always been a bit prone to moving too much. I'm hoping that means my muscles are stronger from years of over compensating.

At work, my maternity leave has been approved but my boss isn't committing to my working from home some days in January or the leave I'd like in November/December. A few bits to iron out before Christmas I think.

Ante Natal classes are going well. Daddy missed the last one because he was in Barcelona for work but I had Auntie Lora as back up. I have interacted with one of the ladies by text and email this week and she seems to share my thoughts on natural birth, which is nice.

I've started buying baby things now - half price toiletries (I've tried to buy in bulk to avoid having too much to buy while I'm not working) and some essentials from Asda and Mothercare. Uncle Nick's mummy gave us some bits and bobs too, which was sweet of her. I've got an extensive list and baby budget and we're slowly ticking things off.

We'll be making a start (honestly!) on clearing the nursery this weekend so I can start buying the bigger things. We've bought some paint samples so I might have a play once we've cleared.

I really need to call Sarah (the hypnotherapist who helped me get pregnant in the first place) to book my hypnobirthing.

Phew! Reckon that's it... I'm bound to have forgotten something - I think you've stolen my brain.

Love you little one xx

28 week Ante Natal appointment

Today, Daddy and I visited Birmingham Women's Hospital for my 28 week Ante Natal appointment and the follow up for our heart investigations.

I didn't realise how anxious I was until I couldn't sleep last night. This meant I was a tired, anxious and grumpy mummy to be this morning. The appointment was at 9.30am but we waited quite a long time to be seen by the registrar. She asked how I was, checked your heartbeat and measured my bump. All fine. Next the chat about our results. Yours were in my file - clean bill of health. Mine? Not there. Echo almost a fortnight ago, report was supposed to be sent straight to maternity but no. No report. So we waited for the report to be faxed across. I had my bloods taken in the meantime but we mainly just waited.

Eventually, we were called back through and we went through my results. The report shows that my heart is functioning normally but there's a question mark over one of the valves. Presumably, the valve that's causing the murmur... She wasn't keen on the thought of me having a home birth but seemed to think the birth centre and a normal vaginal (TMI?!) delivery at term was feasible. To be on the safe side, I need to see a cardio consultant and then come back to the ante natal clinic for another follow up. I did get my Health in Pregnancy form and the form I needed for work - the forms I should have had the last time I saw the midwife.

I took my appointment booking in slip to the front desk. We queued. Birmingham Women's have a new system - I know this because there is a sign up by the area used to accommodate the queue caused by the new system. The receptionist was lovely but clearly close to a break down. She couldn't find the cardio clinic on the system. She called the consultant's secretary, who confirmed the December clinic hadn't been cancelled but advised it might not be showing on the system if it's fully booked. I need to be back at 32 weeks to have my follow up and I'm running out of weeks so the January clinic isn't an option. As she couldn't book me into the right clinic, she's booked me into the midwifery clinic with a note on the system and my notes to say I'm a cardio appointment. That's on 14 December. I just hope that's actually the day of the clinic.

This post is taking an age to write - it's a lengthly diatribe but you keep wriggling and kicking so I stop to stroke bump and talk to you. I may be here all night...

My follow up appointment is at 32 weeks. That's the 23 December...

Thank you Auntie Gill

Earlier this week, you got a beautiful handmade gift from a lovely lady at my work.

It's so fabulous and will keep you nice and snug and warm - you'll need it when we venture outside for walks if February and March next year are as chilly as they were this year.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


No blog posts for agggggges and feel like I should have written a good few! I'll do a big catch up tomorrow after my ante natal appointment.

In the meantime, I appear to be quite a lot more concerned about the follow up appointment tomorrow than I realised and as a result, am all grumpy and worried and headachy.

You, however, seem to be a happy baby. Kicks and wriggles :) and a bump that's steadily getting bigger and bigger.

Love you precious xx

Monday, 15 November 2010

First NCT Ante Natal class

Tonight we attended our first Ante Natal class (Auntie Lora is our teacher). It was the second class but we missed the first one when we had our mini panic last week...

We were late. I had the osteopath and overran and then we got lost. Good start, eh?

It's quite hard to walk into a room full of people you don't know but we managed it and it wasn't as scary as I feared (I worry about group activities...) I was surprised at some of the ladies takes on labour and childbirth. There seemed to be a lot of pure fear and lack of knowledge - I quickly learnt that I take the knowledge I've gained from Granny, Auntie Lora and Auntie Rosie for granted.

I'm hoping I can find a likeminded lady or two to befriend. I think I've spotted a couple but I'll keep schtum for now, see how things progress in the coming weeks. The only thing that worries me is that you're due quite a lot later than the other ladies' babies - I think Auntie Lora is right and that just means they have somewhere to go just before they're due or with a new baby and we have some clued up friends when it's our turn!

I'll keep you posted. Daddy can't come to next week's cos he's away with work so I'll be on my tod...


Had my echo on Saturday. Not really worth a post because I have to wait for the follow up to find out the results but worth noting that it's been done...

She did say nothing to worry about.

Roll on 25 November for the results...

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Thursday, 11 November 2010

First osteopathy appointment

I saw the osteopath today. Her name is Karen and she was very nice, which is good - osteopathy doesn't involve many clothes.

We went through my medical history and then she examined me - I'm one of the most flexible pregnant women she'd seen apparently. She reconfirmed my SPD diagnosis and then set to work on what felt like everything between my knees and my boobs. Because of my hypermobility, a lot of my muscles are overworking to compensate for my overflexible ligaments. That's worsened by relaxin (one of the pregnancy hormones) making the ligaments even looser - and in turn, my muscles working even harder and spasming as a consequence.

My main problem areas? Hips (thigh muscles), lower back/pelvis (muscles in lower back that run to the front of the pelvis too), inner and upper inner thighs and the front of my pelvis (the muscles from my lower back and smaller muscles at the front of my pelvis). Ribcage, especially at the bottom and spinal column.

Karen can hopefully help me avoid crutches (or worse) and an overcomplicated birth. I probably need to see her quite frequently but if it means I continue to enjoy my bump, we think it's worth it. She did say a waterbirth would really help with the SPD during birth so that's one thing that's firmly staying on my birthing plan!

Monday, 8 November 2010

25+4 weeks

Time is really flying now! Hence the distinct lack of posts (rubbish Mummy). Bump is growing nicely, no hiding it now!

So, we went away for my birthday to a beautiful place in Wales called Port Eynon. We had a nice relaxing break with a beautiful sea view. Lots of good food with good company (Auntie Kerry, Uncle Mark, Auntie Hannah and Uncle John). You refused to kick anyone but me and Daddy :)

When we got home, I had a lovely treatment courtesy of Nanna at Ardencote Manor. The therapist started off by massaging my back before laying my on my back (with support so I wasn't too flat) to massage and exfoliate my feet, massage my bump, give me a facial, massage my scalp, neck and shoulders and my hands. Phew! Completely pampered.

I chased up my echocardiogram too - they've received my referral and after a little bit of persuasion, they've booked my appointment for 13 November (I've even had the letter). My follow up will be done at my 28 week appointment at the Ante Natal clinic, scheduled for 25 November.

You've been well behaved on the whole. Lots of reassuring kicks and wriggles (although a few less aimed at my cervix and my bladder would be appreciated) and even some kicks big enough to make my bump move.

My eating habits are pretty normal. Still hooked on ham and bacon but other than that, nothing unusual. I did have a sudden need for strawberry laces the other day...

I'm a bit prone to fits of crying or laughing (sometimes both) and I'm also often lacking in patience and quite snappy (although some would say that's nothing to do with pregnancy)... I've started getting tired now but not ridiculously so. I could blame that on the disturbed sleep as much as the baby growing.

My pelvis is very, very sore. Lower back pain has grown to lower back, hips, pubic bone and upper inner thigh. Moving can be quite difficult but I'm persevering with trying to strengthen my pelvic muscles. We bought a pregnancy ball to help which I haven't used yet but will soon. Also been recommended an osteopath by Auntie Lora (I'll start writing that like I've always spelt it so it's not so confusing) who I'm planning on seeing. In fact, I had booked to see her today but it didn't go to plan.

Just before I left work, I popped to the toilet to discover I'd lost quite a lot of fluid. Enough to have soaked through to trousers. It was definitely water-like, I assume colourless from wiping me and didn't smell of anything in particular. TMI but midwives ask!! You can imagine, I had a bit of a panic. I got myself to the car and called Auntie Lora, who was calm and reassuring and logical but recommended I called the midwife. I called Jacqui who said, quite bluntly, that it sounded like my waters had broken and to call the delivery suite at Birmingham Women's. This didn't help with the worry so by the time I called Daddy, I was in a bit of a flap. As your Daddy is the best Daddy ever, he made sure I was going home to call the hospital and left work to meet me at home. He also called to cancel my osteopath appointment.

The midwife on duty in the triage part of the delivery suite was very calm and reassuring but insisted I come in to get checked out. I called Daddy and then quickly listened to you on the doppler, not that you'd been particularly quiet today anyway. After I made sure you were okay, I called Auntie Lora who was very calming and called Auntie Rosie while I called Granny. By the time Daddy had collected me and we'd braved the traffic to get to the hospital, I'd spoken to Auntie Rosie and Granny too.

The midwife checked my blood pressure, urine, listened to you and inspected my underwear. Then we had to wait for the doctor. She went through my medical history and diagnosed me with SPD (my sisters both had this to varying degrees and I'm the most hypermobile so I expected it). Then she felt my tummy (you were head down) and forewarned me that she'd need to do an internal. I'll spare you the gory details - she checked my cervix (closed) and swabbed for amniotic fluid. I had twenty minutes to wait for the results.

An hour and twenty minutes later, we were told that the results were negative - it was possible that I'd had a small leak but not to worry. To take it a bit easy and to monitor closely any fluid loss.

By the time we left the hospital, the last thing I fancied was an ante natal class so I called Auntie Lora with the good news and to let her know we'd be missing our first class. She's going to do a catch up with us on Friday night. Obviously, I also called Auntie Rosie and Granny; everyone was relieved to hear that you're staying put for a while longer.

Auntie Kerry has subsequently sent me to bed (comfiest place with my sore pelvis) and I think I might be sensible and stay put tomorrow too...