We waited an age to be seen but eventually we were called through to the scan. To have a picture, we had to pay £5 in pound coins, so Daddy had to go and buy some chewing gum for change but he was as quick as he could be. You appeared on screen immediately; we could even see your hands and feet!
By my calculations, I'm 11 weeks today but the sonographer says 12 weeks from the crown to rump measurement. You were very wriggly and wouldn't let the lady see the normal picture view (stubborn little thing) but eventually we managed to get a picture (albeit slightly from the back so no profile):

One thing made me a bit sad, you don't get to hear the heartbeat but our sonographer reassured us that what they see is more important and that the heartbeat is very strong.
Baby, it's so lovely to have seen you - we are the smiliest people ever I think.
Next, I was measured and weighed and then sent to see the midwife. I had a student midwife who was very sweet, if a little nervous. I had a lot of blood taken and, once we'd booked our next scan, we were sent on our way.
We've shown off your photo and everyone is very excited. Off to Wales this weekend to tell Grandad and Great Gran!
When I got home, I broke out the nearly new doppler and Mummy and Daddy heard your heartbeat for the first time. Lovely lovely lovely.
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