This blog was started when we found out we were expecting our first baby (after 18 months of trying) and continues now Maddy has been born. We welcomed our breech baby, Madeleine Elise, by elective c-section on 11/02/2011.
Monday, 30 August 2010
I forgot to say!
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Scary day
Yesterday was a bit of a stressful day for this Mummy and Daddy to be. In the morning, I had a repeat blood test at the hospital. The letter just said that I needed a repeat blood test so I was a little apprehensive - although Auntie Laura had been very reassuring.
We arrived at Birmingham Women's at our allocated time (Daddy came with me) and had to take a number to be seen. So we waited half an hour (thank goodness for my fig roll stash) and were greeted by the phlebotomist, who asked what bloods I needed repeating. We didn't know and the letter said nahtheeng so off she went to find a midwife.
Twenty minutes later, she came back. All my tests came back absolutely fine but they couldn't test for sickle cell because they didn't have the form. They didn't have the right form. A form that I'd completed with the student midwife when she took the first set of bloods. Frustrating but more relieving that it was so simple a fix.
After Daddy got home from work, I popped to the toilet to discover I'd been bleeding. Not 'fresh' but scary nonetheless. We went straight to Solihull A&E and were seen very quickly - only one problem, no gynae or maternity services at Solihull. Cue many calls from the nurse looking after me (who took more bloods, blood pressure and tested urine) to Heartlands who are the closest hospital with a Women's Unit. She got me a referral and off we went.
We found the Unit and were seated outside the most public consultation room ever for an hour. The lady before us was in a lot of pain; I was grateful that my bleed wasn't accompanied by cramping. We were very grateful that I carry so many snacks in my handbag, we hadn't had any dinner - thank goodness my sickness is so much better.
Eventually, we were shown downstairs to the delivery suite for an ultrasound. You appeared on the screen and had a wiggle but were generally quite content to be relatively still - I guess 11.30pm was quite late enough for foetuses. Your heartbeat was nice and strong, placenta was fine. All as it should be. Such a relief!
After they'd checked me over upstairs just to be sure (the bleeding had stopped by then), we were sent on our way.
I was very glad to be in bed that night, safe in the knowledge that all was okay and you were safe and sound.
We arrived at Birmingham Women's at our allocated time (Daddy came with me) and had to take a number to be seen. So we waited half an hour (thank goodness for my fig roll stash) and were greeted by the phlebotomist, who asked what bloods I needed repeating. We didn't know and the letter said nahtheeng so off she went to find a midwife.
Twenty minutes later, she came back. All my tests came back absolutely fine but they couldn't test for sickle cell because they didn't have the form. They didn't have the right form. A form that I'd completed with the student midwife when she took the first set of bloods. Frustrating but more relieving that it was so simple a fix.
After Daddy got home from work, I popped to the toilet to discover I'd been bleeding. Not 'fresh' but scary nonetheless. We went straight to Solihull A&E and were seen very quickly - only one problem, no gynae or maternity services at Solihull. Cue many calls from the nurse looking after me (who took more bloods, blood pressure and tested urine) to Heartlands who are the closest hospital with a Women's Unit. She got me a referral and off we went.
We found the Unit and were seated outside the most public consultation room ever for an hour. The lady before us was in a lot of pain; I was grateful that my bleed wasn't accompanied by cramping. We were very grateful that I carry so many snacks in my handbag, we hadn't had any dinner - thank goodness my sickness is so much better.
Eventually, we were shown downstairs to the delivery suite for an ultrasound. You appeared on the screen and had a wiggle but were generally quite content to be relatively still - I guess 11.30pm was quite late enough for foetuses. Your heartbeat was nice and strong, placenta was fine. All as it should be. Such a relief!
After they'd checked me over upstairs just to be sure (the bleeding had stopped by then), we were sent on our way.
I was very glad to be in bed that night, safe in the knowledge that all was okay and you were safe and sound.
Baby's first movements?
Wednesday night, I was curled up on the sofa and felt a definitely fluttering very low down. Subtle like butterfly kisses but not like anything I'd felt before.
I quickly text Daddy and Auntie Laura - Daddy to tell him and Auntie Laura to check. Auntie Laura thinks she felt Daniel (her first) around 15 weeks :)
I've felt you a few times since and it makes me and Daddy very smiley to imagine what acrobatics you're doing inside me.
I quickly text Daddy and Auntie Laura - Daddy to tell him and Auntie Laura to check. Auntie Laura thinks she felt Daniel (her first) around 15 weeks :)
I've felt you a few times since and it makes me and Daddy very smiley to imagine what acrobatics you're doing inside me.
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
To baby, 160810
Last night, we listened to your heartbeat before we went to sleep. We just lay in bed grinning at each other, listening. It was the clearest we've heard it and nice and easy to find.
Grow strong little one. We love you.
Mummy and Daddy xxx
Grow strong little one. We love you.
Mummy and Daddy xxx
Lazy lady
I have two blog posts to post here, both late. One from Saturday (bump photo) and one that I should have posted Monday. I'm going to post Monday's in a minute - albeit on Wednesday - and I'll do both bump pictures when I've taken the second on Saturday morning. Phew!
On a positive note, sickness is much more manageable. Still prone if I forget to eat and still not very good at fancying food but I'm hoping there will be an improvement across the board soon enough.
My little bump is quite noticeable, but still small. Daddy let me treat myself to a few Isabella Oliver items at the weekend and I can't wait to have a bigger bump to fill them with :o)
Auntie Kerry has found the first piece of furniture for me to renovate - a toy box. The perfect place to start to get my hand in before I source a chest of drawers or two. I might have a go at dismantling shelves this weekend so I feel like we've made a start!
On a positive note, sickness is much more manageable. Still prone if I forget to eat and still not very good at fancying food but I'm hoping there will be an improvement across the board soon enough.
My little bump is quite noticeable, but still small. Daddy let me treat myself to a few Isabella Oliver items at the weekend and I can't wait to have a bigger bump to fill them with :o)
Auntie Kerry has found the first piece of furniture for me to renovate - a toy box. The perfect place to start to get my hand in before I source a chest of drawers or two. I might have a go at dismantling shelves this weekend so I feel like we've made a start!
Friday, 13 August 2010
13 weeks
The sickness doesn't seem to be so bad so I'm hoping that particular symptom is on it's way out. Mood swings are apparently common - I go from shouting to laughing to crying quite easily... I'm still very tired but find it harder to nap so maybe that one is disappearing too :)
I'm very into ham sandwiches now, I have two a day (one before I leave work and one before bed). I'm also still loving the tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches but I can only really have one a day with limited tuna so thank God for ham!
I can still drink and enjoy tea but my current hot drink of choice is skinny hot chocolate. Daddy is grateful that he doesn't have to rush to Starbucks every time now, I like homemade with Green and Blacks too :o) Coffee is okay but only with milk. Black coffee does not taste nice at all... Just as well everyone at work knows, I used to only drink black coffee at work (not always caffeinated) so it would have been a dead giveaway.
I have a little bump now and have noticed my hand is never far away from you. Daddy will take a photo tomorrow so we can start a bump book - I can't believe we haven't taken any before now so you can see what I looked like before. Nevermind.
I did have a hormonal moment today when I panicked that all wasn't okay (no symptoms I might add) so I used the Doppler when I came home. I was upset that I couldn't find your heartbeat, although I know it's still quite early. Daddy came home and listened and it turns out I'd heard you all along, I'd just thought it was me (Daddy listened to you and me simultaneously so he knew). Silly Mummy! I'm happy again now.
I'm very into ham sandwiches now, I have two a day (one before I leave work and one before bed). I'm also still loving the tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches but I can only really have one a day with limited tuna so thank God for ham!
I can still drink and enjoy tea but my current hot drink of choice is skinny hot chocolate. Daddy is grateful that he doesn't have to rush to Starbucks every time now, I like homemade with Green and Blacks too :o) Coffee is okay but only with milk. Black coffee does not taste nice at all... Just as well everyone at work knows, I used to only drink black coffee at work (not always caffeinated) so it would have been a dead giveaway.
I have a little bump now and have noticed my hand is never far away from you. Daddy will take a photo tomorrow so we can start a bump book - I can't believe we haven't taken any before now so you can see what I looked like before. Nevermind.
I did have a hormonal moment today when I panicked that all wasn't okay (no symptoms I might add) so I used the Doppler when I came home. I was upset that I couldn't find your heartbeat, although I know it's still quite early. Daddy came home and listened and it turns out I'd heard you all along, I'd just thought it was me (Daddy listened to you and me simultaneously so he knew). Silly Mummy! I'm happy again now.
Your first present...
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
Spreading the news
On Saturday, I spoke to India and Boo (two of the cousins to be) to tell them our news. Auntie Rosie put me on loudspeaker and the response to "I'm going to have a baby" was silent, wide eyed and open mouthed! This was followed by giggles and a few excited yays - the girls were excited to hear Lily Allen was having a baby so to find out Auntie Lizzie was too was even better.
Boo thinks you will be a little boy (as does Auntie Kerry). Daddy thinks you're a little girl but we don't mind either way so long as we have a healthy little one with ten fingers and ten toes.
After I got off the phone, Auntie Rosie showed the girls your photo. It took a little explaining but Boo now understands how you're tiny at the moment (to fit into my tummy). She also knows how you'll come out... That's just REALLY funny! Not so funny for Mummy...
On Sunday, we had lunch with Daddy's family so now Grandad and Great Gran know our exciting news. I think it came as a bit of a surprise but we had a text from Grandad enthusing later that day when it had had time to sink in.
By Sunday night, we'd gone public on Twitter and Facebook too so I think it's safe to say pretty much everyone knows now.
It's lovely to have so many people so excited for us and excited to meet you :o)
Boo thinks you will be a little boy (as does Auntie Kerry). Daddy thinks you're a little girl but we don't mind either way so long as we have a healthy little one with ten fingers and ten toes.
After I got off the phone, Auntie Rosie showed the girls your photo. It took a little explaining but Boo now understands how you're tiny at the moment (to fit into my tummy). She also knows how you'll come out... That's just REALLY funny! Not so funny for Mummy...
On Sunday, we had lunch with Daddy's family so now Grandad and Great Gran know our exciting news. I think it came as a bit of a surprise but we had a text from Grandad enthusing later that day when it had had time to sink in.
By Sunday night, we'd gone public on Twitter and Facebook too so I think it's safe to say pretty much everyone knows now.
It's lovely to have so many people so excited for us and excited to meet you :o)
Thursday, 5 August 2010
First scan...
This morning, we set off to Birmingham Women's Hospital to have our first antenatal appointment (and first scan).
We waited an age to be seen but eventually we were called through to the scan. To have a picture, we had to pay £5 in pound coins, so Daddy had to go and buy some chewing gum for change but he was as quick as he could be. You appeared on screen immediately; we could even see your hands and feet!
By my calculations, I'm 11 weeks today but the sonographer says 12 weeks from the crown to rump measurement. You were very wriggly and wouldn't let the lady see the normal picture view (stubborn little thing) but eventually we managed to get a picture (albeit slightly from the back so no profile):

One thing made me a bit sad, you don't get to hear the heartbeat but our sonographer reassured us that what they see is more important and that the heartbeat is very strong.
Baby, it's so lovely to have seen you - we are the smiliest people ever I think.
Next, I was measured and weighed and then sent to see the midwife. I had a student midwife who was very sweet, if a little nervous. I had a lot of blood taken and, once we'd booked our next scan, we were sent on our way.
We've shown off your photo and everyone is very excited. Off to Wales this weekend to tell Grandad and Great Gran!
When I got home, I broke out the nearly new doppler and Mummy and Daddy heard your heartbeat for the first time. Lovely lovely lovely.
We waited an age to be seen but eventually we were called through to the scan. To have a picture, we had to pay £5 in pound coins, so Daddy had to go and buy some chewing gum for change but he was as quick as he could be. You appeared on screen immediately; we could even see your hands and feet!
By my calculations, I'm 11 weeks today but the sonographer says 12 weeks from the crown to rump measurement. You were very wriggly and wouldn't let the lady see the normal picture view (stubborn little thing) but eventually we managed to get a picture (albeit slightly from the back so no profile):

One thing made me a bit sad, you don't get to hear the heartbeat but our sonographer reassured us that what they see is more important and that the heartbeat is very strong.
Baby, it's so lovely to have seen you - we are the smiliest people ever I think.
Next, I was measured and weighed and then sent to see the midwife. I had a student midwife who was very sweet, if a little nervous. I had a lot of blood taken and, once we'd booked our next scan, we were sent on our way.
We've shown off your photo and everyone is very excited. Off to Wales this weekend to tell Grandad and Great Gran!
When I got home, I broke out the nearly new doppler and Mummy and Daddy heard your heartbeat for the first time. Lovely lovely lovely.
Monday, 2 August 2010
10 weeks
I was back in work last week, which essentially meant I did nothing but work, eat and sleep - with the occasional vomit thrown in for good measure. I'm doing better at not throwing up, so that's a turn up for the books. Nausea is a common theme but I'm hopeful that'll disappear soon enough. The nausea, the fatigue and the frequent urination. Fingers crossed eh?
I'm still struggling to find things I want to eat - but last week I discovered tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches are a favourite. Shame I have to limit my intake!
We took care of Auntie Rosie's littles this weekend. They were very well behaved but I learnt that early pregnancy and childcare makes for a very tired mummy to be.
We also had some exciting news about another one of your Aunties. (Younger) Auntie Laura is getting married! That's potentially three weddings in the first four months for you...
Speaking of exciting (and nervewracking for Mummy) news, our first scan is Thursday morning. We have our first antenatal appointment at 9am at Birmingham Women's Hospital. That's only three days away!
I'm still struggling to find things I want to eat - but last week I discovered tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches are a favourite. Shame I have to limit my intake!
We took care of Auntie Rosie's littles this weekend. They were very well behaved but I learnt that early pregnancy and childcare makes for a very tired mummy to be.
We also had some exciting news about another one of your Aunties. (Younger) Auntie Laura is getting married! That's potentially three weddings in the first four months for you...
Speaking of exciting (and nervewracking for Mummy) news, our first scan is Thursday morning. We have our first antenatal appointment at 9am at Birmingham Women's Hospital. That's only three days away!
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