Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Health Visitor: 6 April

This morning we rushed around (well, you mostly lay around) to get out and see the ladies from NCT at lunchtime. We met in Druckers and then you and I had a wander around the shops with Nicky and Hamish.

This afternoon, we had to be home for the Health Visitor - she wanted to weigh and measure you before our six week check tomorrow. Yes, we're having our six week check the day before you turn eight weeks old...

You're weighing 9lb 2.5oz and are 54cms long (you were born 52cms long) Your head circumference is 39cms (it was 35.5cms at birth). We need to go to the clinic to have you weighed again next Thursday morning cos you're a little bit down on the centile you were born at. Nothing to worry about though :)

You smile and kick and wave your arms. You hold onto fingers and our clothes, sometimes you hold your dummy in your mouth (you have a dummy to help you sleep sometimes). You enjoy your baby gym and your bouncer. You're so strong, you have great head control (have done almost since birth) and will even stand if we told you under your arms. You recognise me and Daddy. You're not very keen on baths...

You have some cradle cap but I'm trying to get rid of it for you. I think your hair might be curly. Your eyes are still blue.

Love you Maddy xxxx

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