My beautiful baby, I think it's high time I announced your Godparents. Traditionally for a baby girl, you have three Godparents: two Godmothers and a Godfather.
I think Daddy and I asked Auntie Kerry and Uncle Mark before I had my first scan when I was pregnant with you. They are very close to Daddy and I and will be just as close to you, I'm sure. They were over the moon to be asked and love you very much indeed.

For your second Godmother, we asked my oldest friend and your Auntie Laura. I've known Auntie Laura since we were about two years old and I think it's a testament to our friendship that we're still close now. She was honoured to be asked and is very excited to be your Godmother.

Obviously, you don't just have the support of your Godparents. Your Granny, Papa, Aunties, Uncles and Cousins; your Nanna, Grandad and Uncle Rhys and Auntie Jo; and Daddy and my other close friends, Auntie Hannah and Uncle Simon in particular. I'm sure all of them would ask me to tell you that they love you very much and are here for you to lean on if you need them.
It goes without saying that Daddy and I are here for whatever you need, whenever you need it too. We love you very much xxx