We've had a lot of snow and it hurts my pelvis to walk on it and the roads aren't very safe to drive on so i worked from home on Monday. This meant Daddy collected me from home in his Freelander to take me to the midwife. It was the first midwife appointment at the surgery that he's attended.
We talked to her about having a homebirth - despite my positive outcomes from the murmur investigation, she still wasn't keen but her manager was happy and she's said that if Birmingham Women's Hospital write to my GP to confirm that I am suitable for homebirth, that they'll plan for a homebirth. My first blood pressure reading was elevated and she did try to use that as a reason why I wouldn't be able to but she checked it again at the end of the appointment and it was absolutely fine - probably elevated initially because I'd be apprehensive about the appointment. Urine was fine, your heartbeat sounded perfect and bump measured fine. You're head down too so that's good.
I was grateful for Daddy's presence - without him, I think I would have been bullied into agreeing with her telling me I was still unsuitable. Thing is, we wouldn't be keen if there was a risk to you or to me so it's a bit insulting to have someone suggest we were taking risks when we've considered and discussed every little thing.
Fingers crossed the letter comes through and says what we need it to say.
Next appointment will be at home on 3 January (a Bank Holiday) and will be with another midwife (Jacqui will be on holiday) and then back in with Jacqui on 17 January (I have to call her on 10 Jacqui to check the letter's come through).