In the past few weeks, you've had some tastes of fruit - a few licks of peach, pear and nectarine when Granny was having breakfast and a nibble of a nectarine a few days ago (you were gnawing little chunks off it and chewing them!).
You're very close to sitting up and enjoy a bit of time sat in your bebepod. The door bouncer is also a favourite. You seem to love the dogs, reaching out to them when they run past.

No teeth yet but I think they're bothering you. You chew and rub things against your top gum as often as you can.
You love people and other babies.

We've got your Christening in the diary for 4 September. Granny will be doing the service for us.
You're a smiley little thing and so pretty, prone to the odd strop (you clearly know what you want). I'm very proud to be your mummy.
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