Sunday, 21 August 2011

A day of firsts...

Technically yesterday as it's twenty past midnight...

Firstly, you and I were downstairs early this morning as you were wide awake and Daddy needed a lie in. As we sat in the living room, you started practicing new sounds: "mumumumumum" and "mamamamama". You've even seemed to use it to refer to me a few times. I actually couldn't be prouder. Do try and say Dada next.

Secondly, the teeth that have been niggling for the past few weeks/months (more so in the past few weeks) are finally breaking through the gum. It's the bottom two, definitely one but it might be both. Clever girl.

Friday, 19 August 2011


I love you so very much. You're so beautiful and perfect, sometimes I can't quite believe you're here and you're ours. You're an intelligent and funny little soul, strong willed already with a fantastic smile that lights up your whole face.

Thursday, 18 August 2011


You have been sitting unaided for about a fortnight, I keep forgetting to post about it. Your balance isn't perfect yet but you're getting there. When you're not sitting, you're rolling over. Makes changing nappies interesting...

Forgotten post! Third immunisations

You're fully immunised! I forgot to post after you had them done. You were a good girl for the nurse, not very happy during but smiling at her before we left.

This set knocked you about, in hindsight I would have split them up I think. Poor little pickle.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Food glorious food

You're enjoying fruit and vegetables (and you've even tried a rusk) but you're not terribly keen on anything mixed with rice just yet. We're combining purées and baby led weaning (finger foods).